I Help You Speak As The
Best Version Of Yourself

Having all eyes on you when you speak in public isn’t easy.

Anxieties surface.
You speak too fast.
You can’t articulate your ideas well.

That’s why my 1:1 public speaking coaching program is tailored for you.

“Nausheen changed the trajectory of my career!”

Tamsyn Dobson yellow Work with me 1:1
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Tamsyn Dobson

Technical Product Manager

The numbers speak for themselves

I’ve coached
Execs & Founders
0 +
Talks & Interviews
0 +
In Business Growth
$ 0 MLN

No more stage fright awkward sales calls holding back botched pitches mumbling

Amazing things can happen if you overcome your fear of speaking up!

Staircase to clouds

You get promoted faster

Articulate your ideas well in every presentation. Make senior management go “whoaaa, who’s that?”

Fast growth

You grow your business faster

You’re clear, concise and memorable when speaking with clients and investors.

1st place

You become a thought leader

You turn your expertise into thought leadership by learning to express your ideas with clarity and impact.

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Deliver any presentation with 100% confidence

When your presentation gets a “not bad” vs “that was INCREDIBLE” – you know you need to work with me.

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My Speak as a Leader System

My signature Speak as a Leader system is based on 17 years of public speaking, improv, theater and directing people on camera.

Using this system, I’ve coached leaders at IBM, AT&T, SAP and Amazon.

The best part? 

It’s completely personalized to your needs.

Find your Spark

Let’s kickstart this journey by doing a deep dive into your speaking skills.
What are you already a champ at and where could you use a little help?
Then we create your 360°, no-holds-barred, speaker profile.

Ignite Your Speaking Skills

Learn the tools to bring clarity, energy, confidence to every talk and presentation.
Apply targeted strategies to overcome your limiting beliefs and fears that hold you back.

Fire it up

We’re in this together – you talk, I guide.
We’ll analyze your performance, pinpoint the highs and lows, and establish strategies for your continuous improvement.

“Nausheen helped me look people in the eye and share what I wanted to express. The coaching was life changing.”

Ilona smiling on yellow background
Ilona (Ali) Münzer

Founder and CEO

Alder Airfield Services

Trusted by leaders at

Start articulating your ideas in the most impactful way

The thought leader you’re meant to be is closer than you think.

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Why work with me?

I bring you 20 years of experience in the science and art of speaking wrapped in a purple package:

Ex Fortune 500 (Procter & Gamble) – Teaching you the corporate world’s best speaking techniques.

3-time TEDx speaker – Sharing my experience from hundreds of talks and presentations.

Award-winning filmmaker – Coaching you on how to speak confidently on camera.

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“After working with Nausheen, my authority at work has exploded!”

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Grey Newell

Solutions Architect

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Tales of Radical Reinvention

"Nausheen made me go from a simple presenter to a world-class keynote speaker. Within a month."

She doesn’t just teach you how to speak – she unveils the orator hidden within you, one syllable at a time. Her coaching isn’t a process, it’s a transformation.

She doesn’t just coach, folks. She inspires. She empowers. She lights a fire in your belly that makes you want to stand tall, speak your truth, and conquer the world.

Ruben Hassid

AI influencer
#2 LinkedIn creator (global)

"Nausheen brought a full arsenal of speaking tips, techniques and advice I could immediately apply."

She also brought a lovely open and laid back approach to the coaching.

Georgia Watson

Sales Enablement Leader IBM

"My authority has exploded”

Just after a few weeks of coaching 1:1 with Nausheen, I made 3 deals in one day. My authority has exploded. Everybody is treating me really differently. I can’t thank her enough!

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Grey Newell

Solutions Architect

"I felt well prepared and confident”

Professional and personable. Nausheen worked with me to prepare for an important interview. After five coaching sessions and prescribed practice, I felt well prepared, confident, and delivered a strong interview!
Highly Recommend!

Brandon Miller

Co-Founder and CEO

34 Strong, Inc

"While I was prepping for my first-ever TEDx talk, Nausheen was my go-to."

Jasmin Alic

Fortune 500 copywriter

Founder of Hey Jay

"She gives me the attention of a seasoned director and support of a coach."

Susan Hart Gaines

Life Coach for High Achievers

"Working with Nausheen has truly transformed my anxiety into confidence."

I used to be profoundly anxious before any meeting or presentation.

Working with Nausheen has truly transformed my anxiety into confidence.

She’s a sure bet.

Wesley Evan Smith

Mindful Productivity Coach

"She elevates your speaking skills!"

Highly recommend her professionalism, her flexibility and the quality of her coaching to elevate your online speaking presence. Plus, she is a pleasure to work with!

Catherine Lethbridge

Innovative Business Partner


"I used to be a robot on camera and now I’m able to speak fluidly."

Ilona (Ali) Münzer

Founder and CEO

Alder Airfield Services

Work With Me 1:1

Investing in your voice today pays dividends in the future.
Every word not spoken confidently is an opportunity missed.
Now it’s your time to shine.

Work with me through 1:1 live coaching sessions.



This is for you if you are already regularly speaking and presenting at an intermediate/advanced level.

Speak as a Leader


Become a confident, articulate and impactful speaker in this signature 2-month long intensive program. 



Become a thought leader in your industry through creating, practicing and perfecting your signature talk.

My clients have spoken at

and in 1000s of boardrooms & Zoom meetings

“Nausheen helped me position myself and speak as a thought leader in my industry.”

Mando Sallavanti smiling on yellow background
Mando Sallavanti III, CFP®

SaaS’s Financial Planner

LinkedIn influencer

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Still have questions? Check out what clients are most curious about:

You can choose which coaching plan suits your needs the best.


  • The Monthly Coaching is for you if you're already speaking regularly and presenting at an intermediate/advanced level. This is where we focus on realignment - deeply understanding who you are as a speaker and what your current strengths and opportunity areas are. We work on getting you from good to outstanding.
  • The Speak as a Leader Transformation is for you if you want to boost your confidence, articulation and impact when you speak in public. We work closely for 8 weeks to transform you into the most impactful speaker you can be. 
  • The Thought Leadership program is for you if you want to become a thought leader in your industry through speaking. I've helped thought leaders like Ruben Hassid and Lara Acosta take their personal brands to the next level and craft signature talks through this coaching program.

I’ve helped transform 300+ clients before you from anxious to confident – just take a look at my testimonial section and feel free to reach out to any of my clients or ex-clients on LinkedIn 🙂

Gentle reminder though – it’s not me who delivers the results alone: we work on this together!

Yes, you’ll have some speaking exercises to do in between our weekly sessions – it won’t take more than 30 minutes of your time per week.

I have clients from the US, Europe, Australia and Asia. As I’m based in France, it’s not too difficult finding a time that works for both of us for the live coaching sessions 🙂

This coaching program is more than just an expense – it's an investment into your personal and professional growth. You’re getting access to 17 years of speaking, coaching, training, acting and improvisation expertise. And I distill that into weeks of intense, targeted learning. It’s a steal 🙂

Absolutely. I’ve worked with many corporate clients who use their L&D or personal development budget for our sessions. I can provide you official invoices for our work that you can use to get reimbursed by your employer.

I’ve coached people who are not complete beginners like Jasmin and Catherine. The truth is – sometimes being average or competent prevents you from being truly outstanding. I help you get there.

You’ve never experienced coaching like this. I know this because I bring a unique mix of my corporate, Fortune 50 speaking experience + improvisational skills + film director experience and create a fully customized coaching program for you.

I work with clients with all kinds of speaking needs – from wanting to feel more confident every time you present in a meeting to nailing that big talk.

Yes – we will work together to review your content as well as refine your speaking skills.

We will work together on your TEDx talk: I will work with you to make your idea TED-worthy, we will co-develop the pitch together and I will guide you on which events to apply to. The TEDx coaching is only in the 6 month coaching package.

No, but we can develop the content together. I work with clients all the way from the idea to the final presentation.

No, but we can work on getting you speaking gigs together. We will create a thought leadership plan which will include podcasts, events and other PR opps. We will develop pitches together and you will send out the pitches.

Still have questions?

Conquer any stage (yes, including TEDx!)

Learn the secrets of owning the stage from a 3x TEDx speaker.

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