How speaking on camera propelled me into thought leadership: A guest post by Debora Prossomariti

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How speaking on camera propelled me into thought leadership

A guest post by Debbie

I used to be scared of showing my face and speaking in public.

Let alone sharing online videos of myself on social media.

​“It feels cringey”

“What if people start to make fun of me for my accent or voice?”

“What if I make mistakes?”

I procrastinated sharing videos for months.

I told myself I didn’t need to and video content is not performing that well on LinkedIn..

So why even bother?

But then I realised something:

I was following creators sharing video content and pictures.

And when I found myself looking some professional business services those same people who were always showing up on my feed, educating and inspiring through video and story-based content, were the first ones I reached out to.

They stayed top of mind.

They built TRUST and credibility over time.

When we jumped on a call I felt I already knew them, even without having spoken before.

Getting clients is much easier when they already know you and trust you.

So I decided to give myself a chance.

One step at a time.

I first started with sharing more personal content (note: not necessarily private, but personal insights based on my experience and opinions)

Then I challenged myself further, finally saying YES to speaking as a guest in podcasts and at both online and offline events.

Next, I began recording myself and sharing short-form clips.

A few months later, I also started hosting live events with top influencers and creators.

I didn’t overcome my camera shyness overnight.

In fact, I am STILL uncomfortable.

But I do it anyway.

The results were surprising and incredible.

Apart from the increase in views and engagement (yes, video content can work on LinkedIn too. It’s currently performing even better than pictures to me at the moment!)

I started to enjoy the process and it became even fun.

After a few months my brand became stronger than ever.

I built more authority and credibility, even though I am still in my 20s.

Potential clients were taking me more seriously and the number of inbound enquiries went up too.

My client P. had a similar experience.

I have been working with him to build his brand for almost one year now.

As an introvert, speaking on camera felt even more challenging.
We took it step by step.

A few months ago, we agreed it was time to incorporate video content in his content strategy.

Today he is a new person and the most confident version of himself.

Debora's client testimonial about speaking on camera

He is confidently hosting live events.

He’s invited to speak as an expert in global panels, he’s in touch with industry leaders and gets opportunities and inbound clients from his content consistently.

On top of it, his social media engagement dramatically increased too.

These are only a few examples of what building thought leadership and a strong personal brand can do for your career and life.

If you’re ready to build authority and start getting opportunities from your online presence, connect with me on LinkedIn or check out my programs at

Until next time,


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